Parque Simón Bolívar

Municipality: Santa Cruz de Lorica

Simón Bolívar Park is one of the most outstanding spaces in Lorica, both for tourists and for local inhabitants. It is an emblematic place that is located in the heart of the city and is recognized as the center of cultural and recreational events of high convocation. Also known as a park or central square, Simón Bolívar Park is a meeting point for the loriquera community. There is the atrium of the central church, which gives it special importance as a place of reference and meeting. The park was built in the 20th century, approximately in the 50s, and since then it has witnessed numerous events and celebrations that are part of the history and identity of Lorica. It is a dynamic space that hosts cultural activities, festivals, concerts, exhibitions and other events of great relevance to the community. One of the most outstanding elements of the Simón Bolívar Park is the statue of Simón Bolívar, which was installed in 1994. This statue is a tribute to the hero of the independence of Latin America and symbolizes the spirit of struggle and freedom that Bolívar represents in history. region of. Simón Bolívar Park is a place that reflects the importance of culture, history and community in the city of Lorica. Its design and strategic location make it a point of reference and a setting for the social and cultural life of the city. Preserving and caring for Simón Bolívar Park is essential to keep Lorica's historical and cultural legacy alive, as well as to provide a meeting and enjoyment space for present and future generations. This park is a testament to the identity and pride of the loriquera community, and its importance transcends its local borders.

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