Coctel de Camarón

Municipality: San Antero

In the region of the Gulf of Morrosquillo, specifically in San Antero, one of the most desired gastronomic pleasures in the area is found: the shrimp cocktail. This delicious appetizer or entree has its origins at the beginning of the 20th century in the city of San Francisco, United States. The shrimp cocktail is traditionally served in a drinking glass and is the result of a masterful combination of ingredients. Among them are lemon juice, salt, tomato sauce, olive oil, vinegar, red onion cut into small pieces, as well as a few drops of black and spicy sauce, all adjusted to the taste of whoever prepares it. The preparation of the shrimp cocktail consists of adding peeled, whole and deveined shrimp, which have previously been refrigerated for a day. The mixture is carefully stirred until a homogeneous and tasty texture is obtained. It is usually served with soda or salt crackers, which further enhance its flavor. The final presentation of the shrimp cocktail may vary depending on the place where it is consumed. If it is enjoyed on the beach or at a mobile food stall, it is common for it to be served in plastic cups. In restaurants, it is most often presented in elegant glass containers, adding a touch of sophistication to the dining experience. Without a doubt, the shrimp cocktail is a culinary delight that conquers the palates of locals and visitors in the Morrosquillo Gulf region. Its freshness, combination of flavors and captivating presentation make it an irresistible dish, ideal to enjoy on any occasion.

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