Gallina Criolla Guisada

Municipality: Santa Cruz de Lorica

Stewed Creole chicken is a traditional and highly appreciated dish in the Lorica region. Its preparation is based on homemade techniques and the use of local ingredients that give it a unique and authentic flavor. To start preparing this dish, a good quality Creole chicken is selected. The chicken is despressed, that is, it is cut into smaller pieces, and seasoned with spices and condiments to taste, such as garlic, onion, cumin, bay leaf, and coriander. These ingredients give the stew a characteristic aroma and flavor. Once seasoned, the hen is placed in a large pot along with a little hot oil or lard. Cook over medium-high heat to lightly brown the chicken pieces and seal in the flavors. Then enough water is added to cover the chicken pieces and the heat is reduced to medium-low. The chicken is slow cooked for several hours to achieve a tender and smooth texture. During cooking, more water can be added if necessary to keep enough liquid and prevent it from drying out. As the chicken cooks, the flavors become concentrated and a delicious broth is formed. When the chicken is almost ready, the potatoes, peeled and cut into medium pieces, are added to the stew. The potatoes are cooked in the broth until tender and absorb the flavors of the stew. By occasionally stirring the stew, the potatoes break up slightly and thicken the soup, creating a comforting texture. Once the chicken and potatoes are fully cooked, the dish is ready to serve. It can be accompanied with black bean rice (frisol), which is rice cooked with black beans that gives it a distinctive flavor and color. It is also served with a fresh salad of lettuce, tomato and onion, which brings freshness and balance to the dish. In some cases, it is served with cooked yuca or patacón, which are traditional side dishes in the region. In addition, it is common to find an additional portion of revoltillo de cachama or moncholo, two fish from the region, which are added as a complement and provide a variety of flavors. The stewed Creole chicken is a dish that reflects the gastronomic culture of Lorica and the importance of local ingredients in traditional cooking. Its comforting, homemade taste makes it a popular choice for both locals and visitors who want to enjoy authentic food from the region.

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