Edificio Fernando Usme Alarcón

Municipality: Santa Cruz de Lorica

The Fernando Usme Alarcón Building is an outstanding construction in Lorica that stands out for being one of the few buildings of the time with three stories high. It was built in 1923, which gives it an important historical and architectural value in the city. Throughout its history, the building has undergone transformations and changes of owners. In the 1990s, it underwent restoration after being acquired by an investor. Previously, it belonged to the Caraballo Mogollón family, who kept it under their ownership for more than 40 years. After the change of owner, the building bears the name of Fernando Usme Alarcón, its new owner. The inclusion of the Fernando Usme Alarcón Building in the declaration of heritage of the historic center by the Ministry of Culture is a recognition of its cultural and architectural importance for the city of Lorica. This recognition underscores the need to preserve and protect the building as a testimony to local history and identity. Visiting the Fernando Usme Alarcón Building allows you to appreciate its unique architecture and its connection to Lorica's past. Its design and history represent an integral part of the city's cultural heritage and its inclusion in the declaration of historical heritage guarantees its conservation and appreciation. The Fernando Usme Alarcón Building is a symbol of the evolution and development of Lorica over time. Its presence in the historic center is a tangible reminder of the importance of protecting and preserving the city's architectural legacy for future generations. Exploring the Fernando Usme Alarcón Building is delving into the history and heritage of Lorica, and it is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of conserving and valuing the cultural legacy that has been transmitted to us over the years.

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