Baile Cantao

Municipality: San Onofre

The cantao dance is a cultural manifestation of great value and an integral part of the cultural tradition of the region. It represents the legacy of African descent that found in San Onofre a geographical space to be preserved. Initially, the town of San Onofre was a refuge for maroon slaves, and was known as the Palenque de Torobé, founded by the leader known as Lord Toro. These escaped slaves settled in these lands, where they found freedom and the opportunity to keep their culture and traditions alive. The singing dances, which are part of this cultural tradition, lack melodic musical instruments and focus mainly on the songs and rhythm generated by the drum. This distinctive feature makes these dances unique and representative of the Afro-descendant culture of the region. The songs, which are often improvised, convey stories, emotions and the history of the people, and are accompanied by the energetic and contagious rhythm of the drum. Among the most outstanding singing dances is the bullerengue, a rhythmic and sensual that combines African and Spanish elements. Mapalé, on the other hand, is a festive and energetic dance that reflects the joy and vitality of the Afro-descendant culture. Other singing dances include the bird, the chalupa, the seresesé and the drum, each with its own style and meaning. These singing dances are a form of artistic and cultural expression that have been handed down from generation to generation, thus preserving the African heritage and its importance in the cultural identity of the region. Through dance and music, traditions are celebrated, ancestors are honored and the cultural roots of the community are kept alive. Cantao dance is an invaluable example of the cultural diversity and historical legacy found in San Onofre. Its practice and preservation are fundamental to value and appreciate the cultural richness of the region and its contribution to the cultural heritage of Colombia. These dances are not only a form of entertainment, but also a form of resistance, empowerment and affirmation of Afro-descendant identity in the region.

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