El Bullerengue

Municipality: San Antero

The bullerengue is a musical practice and festive dance that occupies a prominent place within the most representative rhythms of Afro-Colombian culture. With African roots, this musical style is characterized by being a sung dance, full of life and tradition. There are three representative airs in the bullerengue. The first is the "sentao", a slow and melancholic rhythm that is accompanied by the singer in a seated position, which allows her to sing long phrases with ease. The second is the "fandango", ideal for the singer to show her vocal skills and suitable for celebrations and revelries. Finally, there is the "chalupa", which is based on the rhythm of the happy drum and is accompanied by shorter verses, typical of parties and dances. The costumes used in the bullerengue are colorful and showy. The women wear long, flowery skirts, blouses with puffed sleeves, scarves around their necks, and hairstyles adorned with red or white flowers. In addition, they wear long white ball necklaces and earrings that complement their outfit. During the dance, the women file out onto the patio, clapping their hands high and walking at a short step, similar to the rhythm of the cumbia. They maintain an upright and graceful posture while following the beat of the music. In addition to the drums, the instrumentation includes a totuma with a broken earthenware plate inside, which produces a characteristic sound, and the choir's clapping that accompanies the music. The bullerengue usually goes hand in hand with a homemade alcoholic drink called "ñeque", made from sugar, panela and alcohol. This traditional drink adds to the joy and celebration during the festivities in which the bullerengue is performed. In summary, the bullerengue is much more than a musical practice and a dance. It is a cultural expression rooted in the Afro-Colombian population, full of tradition, color and joy. Through its rhythms, costumes and rituals, the bullerengue transports us to a world of music and celebration that honors the ancestral roots of the region.

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